Friday, November 11, 2011

Book Launching Coming Soon !

I am very pleased to announce the upcoming launching of my first novel...

What A Professional Writer Had To Say About The Book...

“You’ve created a creepily dark atmosphere that itself adds to the suspense of the goings on here, and your pleasantly dense prose fleshes out these uniquely odd characters in this unnerving setting. That, along with your well-placed hooks, made it
impossible to stop reading.” 

—Rob Carr, Editor and Ghost Writer

- - -  S T O R Y   P L O T - - -

Set in the late seventies, The Ropewalk is about the clash between
ideals and unexpected realities. Egan Drummond, a twice-divorced
history teacher, takes a job at a remote boarding school on the
coast of Maine to escape mainstream society and pursue a long-cherished
dream to complete a research project and make a name for himself as an historian.

Living in an old rope factory that serves as the school dormitory, he
looks forward to being alone during the Christmas break so that nothing
will disturb his research. But he quickly discovers that another teacher,
Margaret Gillespie, is still there with her young daughter. Margaret’s
convinced there’s someone walking the halls at night, and Egan is the
only person she can turn to. Doubtful and at first annoyed, he finds
himself not only caught up in the events of her life, but also on a
journey back from the edge of loneliness to another chance as a man.

His life seems back on track, but as his research begins to uncover
evidence that could change the nation’s perspective on Native American
history, the elusive presence in the building becomes more threatening,
leaving him with the choice of guarding what he’s learned, or making
himself famous at the cost of everything he’s come to love.